Wow, I never thought that I would ever be in this position, but here I am.

Now, to be perfectly clear, I’m not a friend or fan of anyone involved directly, and personally, I think that everyone involved has skeletons; however, for reasons I can’t explain, I have been privy to an enormous amount of information related to one of the most disturbing and elaborate conspiracies in history, in my humble opinion. Again, I don’t have a dog in this fight, but I am directly connected to one of the individuals responsible for this (and other similar takedowns) effort to destroy lives in exchange for money/success and frankly put, this individual and those behind it are sinister.

I haven’t been wronged by anyone involved and again, don’t have a dog in the fight, but I have been asked to help in a digital capacity by one of the people extorting money from these guys and monetizing the disaster to improve their own life, but the only thing dumber than this person (who doesn’t really know me) asking me to hack something for them (that’s a crime idiot!), is them thinking that with all the peripheral players involved, one of us wouldn’t do exactly what I’m doing…expose them all!

What I’m going to lay out for you is the way, and this was shocking for me too, exactly as this individual who hired me explained it to me…down to the whole “Crime Family” diagram of involvement. So, with that, I’m going to lay it out for you here. What I realized was, this IS a crime family of conspirators and while the Alexanders may be assholes, nobody deserves to have their families destroyed and extorted so some competitors and jilted women can make a few bucks or even, just get revenge.

Below is a raw, and purposely blank, diagram of the players involved…I will start by adding names and agendas for each as we go but this is a lot so be patient. At the end of this, you’re going to have an elaborate breakdown of one of the most widespread, corrupt, and expensive ‘takedowns’ you’ve ever seen.

Lastly, one thing is certain, there are other people like me out there so if you’d like to contribute any information or insight, let me know here and at a very minimum, we can provide something that the media can actually look into and ask questions beyond the ones they are being fed by the people paying for play!

Crime Bosses/Conspiracy Leaders


Tracy Tutor

Samantha Drew Murphy

Renee Willett

Rebecca Mandel

Kate Whiteman

Angelica Cecora
